Can I Get Assistance from Minnesota’s Medical Assistance to Pay for Memory Care?

For individuals with limited financial resources who are at least 65 years of age and have significant health challenges to the extent that they require aid to complete their daily personal tasks, Medicaid will pay for skilled nursing (nursing home) care.

In Minnesota, you may also qualify for help in paying for “assisted living”—which can include memory care services for persons diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and related dementias. These services are included under the umbrella of Minnesota’s “Elderly Waiver” (EW) program.

The EW program makes home and community-based services available to individuals who qualify. You need to qualify for Medical Assistance (Medicaid) to be eligible for EW services.

Can I Get Assistance from Minnesota’s Medical Assistance to Pay for Memory Care?

The EW program is designed to help people who need the level of care provided in a “skilled nursing facility” (i.e., nursing home) but who choose to live “in the community”.

Approved services can include:

  • adult foster care homes,
  • assisted living
  • and memory care residences.

In many cases, Medicaid will pay for these services if they can be obtained at a lower cost than a nursing home. This is done through state-specific “Medicaid Waivers,” which are also called Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waivers or Waiver Funded Services.

Can I Get Assistance from Minnesota’s Medical Assistance to Pay for Memory Care?

You must have a long-term care consultation (LTCC) before Medicaid can pay for LTC in a facility or for additional services to help you stay at home.  Here, you can access the form the agency uses.

You can find all of the details you need to apply for the EW program on the Minnesota web site.