by admin | Aug 14, 2020 | All Law, Elder
Reverse financing is not “free”. Reverse mortgages have significant costs that include lender fees, FHA insurance charges, closing costs, etc. These costs can be added to the loan balance. However, that means the borrower has more debt and less equity. Interest...
by admin | Aug 12, 2020 | All Law, Elder
Reverse mortgages can help many seniors but are quite expensive. Reverse mortgages can also present significant risks in some cases. All forms of financing have their pros and cons, and reverse mortgages are no exception. Here are some of the key issues to consider...
by admin | Aug 10, 2020 | All Law, Elder
In many cases—particularly following the real estate crash of 2008– the loans that were supposed to help seniors stay in their homes in fact pushed them out. Some lenders aggressively pitched reverse mortgage loans to seniors who were not able to afford the...
by admin | Aug 7, 2020 | All Law, Elder
A reverse mortgage is a nonrecourse loan. That means, if the home sells for less than what is owed, you or your heirs will not be responsible for paying the difference. Depending on the type of reverse mortgage you get, the FHA or the lender will cover the difference...
by admin | Aug 5, 2020 | All Law, Elder
Let’s begin this article by talking about what “reverse mortgages“ are. Reverse mortgages are exactly what they sound like they are—they are the “reverse” of a traditional mortgage. With a “regular” (traditional) mortgage, the lender makes a loan to you that allows...
by admin | Jul 31, 2020 | All Law, Elder
When Is It Time? For almost all of us who do not die at a relatively early age, there will come a time when remaining at home is no longer the right thing to do. Your children may not be paying attention. They may simply not realize that you need more daily...